

The ‘Thick Body’ Trend|My Thoughts

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Hi guys,I am here to share my thoughts on the latest body goals-the thick trend. If you are looking for tips on how to achieve a curvier body, sorry but this is not that kind of post. This is simply me sharing my sort of experience with the “every girl should be curvy/thick hype’ that seems to be rampant everywhere especially on Social media lately.

Honestly, whoever was responsible for the trend needs to be fed bitter leaf – in its raw form only, forever.

For those who have the body it’s a lovely thing, but what about those who do not have it? Many people have their self-esteem lowered just because the internet, fickle as it is, now favors females with a different body type.

You are beautiful.It does not matter whether you are tall,short,thin,curvy,black or white.Own your Sexy Girl! Share on X

the thick trend_thick body goals

My Experience With The “Every Girl Should Be Thick IG  Trend”

I won’t lie for a while there, when the trend first came up I was as caught up as the next person in trying to get more fat in the booty area. I had guy friends who would come to me and start the  regular spiel “Seyi, when will your ass increase?’. And the ladies who would come to you with the ‘babe , why your ass just small like this -cue laughter’. Most times when they all say these things it seems to be a joke to them , but they make whoever is on the receiving end feel a little less confident about herself. Comments like this chip away at a hard earned self esteem till it wears down.

Crushing words from my crush

The incident that gave me the most drive to join the ‘thick body gang’  was a comment from my crush. I mean i had been crushing on my friend for a while but he kept treating me like a little sister. One day i see a message from him on snap-chat commenting on my video. Ecstatic that he sent me a message, i open it only to see “Seyi go and get thick for me now”. I mean, i’m  sure he did not think of how much influence that sentence would have on me. Thus started my ‘desperation fueled’ journey to researching every single way to be thick.

Having all this ‘so not helpful’ comments made me so into gaining fat in the right areas. Lukily for me somehow (I have to thank the fact that my laziness protested all the effort I was putting into it) I got back to my senses. So now I wonder how many ladies are still caught up in that web of not being able to love yourself and your body fully. Every female cannot have the same body type –genetics and whatnot. Society’s view about our bodies may have become hidden under the facade of ‘awon omo thicker body’ and I love that song so it’s not as much the song as the way it has now become the acceptable way to leave your perfectly beautiful body and do lots of things for the “thicker body” .

My Realization

ONE day I stood in front of the mirror and took a good look at myself, all the flaws and the perfection that I am and I realized that nothing and nobody should make me believe that my body as I am is not enough. If you cannot love yourself it is next to impossible for you to accept the love someone else has for you – big booty or not.

The first commandment for your body is LOVE YOURSELF. Share on X

A Lil Advice

Going to the gym to better your body is perfectly acceptable but going the extra mile (creams and stuff) just to get curvier because of a trend is NOT. ‘Why exactly do you want the body change?’ Because if it is not solely for you then it is totally not worth it. If you are naturally blessed with the ‘thicker body’ please rock it and if you are on the other side of the spectrum, (the Lil booty gang) rock it with a confidence that cannot be bought. And if someone has a contrary opinion you can tell them where to stick it #wink.

Let us not come and go and kill ourselves. All booties rock!!!!!!

PS: in other news whoever knows a way to get me to stop eating so much junk so late. I can see all the junk I have been consuming go straight down to my belly and storing there. This means no crop tops for me #heart breaks into pieces.  Has anyone been in this situation before? Or am I the only one too lazy to exercise?

PPS: I finally got up the courage to go to the gym. It’s been a week now and it has definitely not been play play. who wants me to do a weekly review on my gym escapades? you would be surprised at how many funny things happen there.

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New Year New Goals

It’s a few days to the new year 2018 (somebody say yeah yeah) and there are a lot of things that we all want to do better or not do at all or start doing. I personally want to attend a lot of Owambe’s (I passed through 2017 without as much as one Owambe).Every year we as people tally our wins and losses and from all the lessons we learnt throughout the year, we put up a list of what to do to make the next year better and we then tag it ‘new year resolutions’, but the thing is, we can go back to our drawing board anytime not necessarily only at the end of the year.

I came across an article about how making a New Year’s resolution was setting yourself up for failure and I thought of doing a column on New Year resolution fails but somehow I diverted. But first let’s tackle why I think New Year resolutions are bullcrap.

#THE TITLE-‘New Year Resolutions’

Honestly, 90% of the problem is the mentality of people concerning the name. New Year’s resolutions are same as everyday goals the only difference being that they are goals for the start of a new quarter. Unfortunately people start adding goals to their new year’s resolution even from June…and I’m simply left speechless. Waiting to start a goal in the new year is simply procrastination(how about starting that gym membership in November, forget January).I have set in past years new year resolutions and I have found out that most times I barely achieve 50% before the year runs out.


Imagine me a student with no extra source of income setting ‘get a new car this year’ as my New Year resolution. Short term goals are the most practical method of setting goals. Even if you set long term goals (a necessary evil), break them down into short term achievable actions and have the determination to see them through. Every single goal you set should reflect your self-growth. What do you want to see at the end of the year? The student who set the ‘new car’ resolution could have set ‘ get a part time vocational skill’ and ‘start saving for a car’ as his/her goals instead. Goals are meant to be practical not fantasy.

Having said all that we all need to set goals that will help guide us to  our dreams this new Earl Nightingale said “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going” so I have highlighted a few aspects of our lives to help us set important achievable goals.


Seeing the New Year is a blessing we should never take for granted. No matter what religion we practice or beliefs we have, getting closer to GOD should definitely top the list


Our family is our rock .as they say blood is thicker than water we should always strive to have better relationships in our families


We all have big goals and big dreams but without a concrete plan and a determination to work toward it cannot be acheived.

  • In our schools set a goal for your GP and how you plan to achieve it.Barely passing is definitely not the best way to pass
  • In this day and age every student should be an entrepreneur. The rich are the ones with the ideas outside the box, nobody depends on their certificate alone now. Start doing something.
  • The best way to work is to work hard and be promoted. Set goals for how you want to improve your work ethics.

Dream big, work matter what your dreams are you need to know that without hard work that is all they would remain ‘DREAMS’.


  • First I think should definitely be self-love. Self-love can never be over emphasized, no matter how secure you are in yourself you need to always have time to remind yourself of who you are, lift your self-esteem even higher and simply be proud to be who you are ignoring whatever society says.
  • We should also set goals that help us take responsibility of the things that happen in our in charge of your life, steer it where you want it to go.
  • Set goals to make you better. For example i will be exercising daily, or i will eat more fruits.


The significant other in your life also deserves a new improved you. Look at your relationships how far you have gone, how far you want to go. Are there changes you need to make to make for a smoother relationship? This is what makes you a good partner.

If you pick all this and make a New Year resolution list, I definitely trust that with consistency and determination at the end of the New Year you would have checked off at least 80% of your goals.

I hope this post helped you out, if you have any questions or contribution just leave a comment and if you need any help you can also email me and I’ll be sure to get back to you.Dont forget to like this post and also follow us on all our social media handles.

Happy New Year In A Few Hours!!!!!!!

Lots of love from this side,


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A Letter To the Older Me

Dear Older ‘Seyi,

By now you must have outgrown the nickname ‘Rubies’ if you remember it but if you do, I can see the cringe you try to hide behind a smile when it comes up. You are probably thinking you could have thought up a better nickname (Got to say I do not think so), but I do not want to get your blood pressure up so I will just address you as Seyi.

Having kids and achieving your dreams really looks good on you and so does the glittering ruby ring on your finger. Looking at you from all the way over here, I cannot fully grasp how content you are, not just content but happy. Sure there have been potholes, everyone has to hit one at one point or the other but you have gotten through them and come out fine. You may look back and think ‘I had it easy when I was younger’, so I will remind you of how it was hoping you’ll be grateful at every point in your life.

At the early stage of your life it was all fun and games and your greatest worry was whether the ice cream man would show up or not. Then teenage years came up and insecurities became the order of the day. For a long while you battled with your identity, not just that but what your path was. Everyone seemed to have everything sorted out but you kept floundering…no clear direction. The journey to purpose was full of a lot of half-baked ideas, disappointments, pain, running to God when everything else failed. You cried a lot, so many times, over and over and at times it seemed nothing would ever go right. All you wanted to do was fulfill your duty and be happy but it seemed duty and happiness were worlds apart. You made so many mistakes that you can never take back, a lot of them leaving an indelible scar on your soul but somehow in the midst of that all you found purpose.

Do you remember now how much making your dream a reality with your blog cost? The sleepless nights awake thinking of content, the fear of making a fool of yourself? Pouring all your money into it and barely having enough to feed? There were so many doubts in your head and in the mouths of others, how you never gave up is a miracle in itself. So you did start “LazyTrendyChic” a project close to your heart with the help of friends, ones that will last a lifetime. All you wanted to do was make people see that the society’s pre-portrayed image of us does not have to hold true. Our first obligation should be to ourselves, to please ourselves and be comfortable in our skin before anything else and fashion was your medium. OH, the feeling of glorious fulfillment when the first stage of the plan was put in place and your blog kicked off. What joy! What happiness! The very reason all the sacrifices are worth it.

It is from this point in your life that I write to you dear older Seyi, I do not know where the tide will go from here or even if my dream will make it any farther but I have hope and a fierce determination and that is what keeps me going. I trust that what will be will be. Please do not forget what the ‘Ruby’ means to you….the fiery wrath of the gem, a strength unbending, passion as bright as flames, coolness against your skin…your calm in every situation. Forget not also, the pricelessness of the gem…you are worth the world.No matter what may come your way Seyi remember you are strong, you are flawed and perfect as you are.

I look forward to seeing you sparkle and light up the room even more than you already do.


A younger more gullible you
