Able GOD,
Fabled GOD,
Arugbo Ojo,
To you I can’t sing ‘odoo’
In your presence I will zanku
And add to it a little shaku-shaku
Without hesitation I will gbese
Even if I am wearing skirt
Not even minding any pete-pete
Nitori Iwo lo nigbogbo ese
Dear Father,
I know you are here Lord
And I just have to say thanks Lord
For hiding my pain when they stared Lord
For keeping me sane in the mist of fear Lord
You were here Lord
Even when they weren’t here Lord
So I say,
Eze !
You are worthy of my praise.
You are the living God
Dansaki re!
Aribiti! Arabata!
Ancient of days
Oya biko shower your blessings
On us your children
Let us sing
No more insufficient funds
By your grace seh
No more insufficient food
In our house seh
No more insufficient grace
A be be seh
Always sufficient praise
Amen seh !!!!!!!!!!
This year has been full of ups and downs. You have been there Baba , through thick and thin, rough and tough. I just want to say thank you Daddy because through Depression you were there, through brokeness – the kind where i no get even 10naira to buy pure water. I remember wondering how i was supposed to buy hand out when i was drinking garri that i borrowed. See ehn , Now i wonder how exactly i even kept this blog running because it can only be you. What of the time that i wrote a blog post and only two people read it? Abi is it the time when my phone will be pressing itself ni?
You are my Daddy Yo! My own Star Boy! Your praise is my Gbedu!
I just want to say thank you jare o Baba. You are too much joor!
Lammy Ade
You just got my spirit man excited dear… Nice one 🔥💯